OH EMM GEE I AM SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO GET THIS VIDEO UP!!! (Note, this video was intended to be posted April 12th, thus we will be continuing to post every two weeks from that date, not from the date this video was posted) Anyway, today we look at Die Macher (that's pronounced Dee Mock Err) designed by Karl-Heinz Schmiel. As a note, to get this video all up in one file (rather than cutting it up like we do with the other larger games since we've been able to post above 15min) i had to reduce the quality significantly. Is this an issue for anyone? Or is this okay? We can chop this into 2 pieces if people would prefer the quality. Contents--- Components: 1:51 Setup: 2:39 Gameplay: 9:20 Politics are Tricky: 10:01 Variants: 31:04 Example Turns: 32:31 Final Remarks: 57:23